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Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

How to correct errors in a royalty return

If you find an error in your return after lodging it, you can request a reassessment. See how to do this online.

Log in to QRO Online

If you find an error in your return after lodging it, you can notify us by requesting a reassessment in QRO Online.

If we make a reassessment and your liability increases, unpaid interest and penalty may apply.

Before you start, we recommend that you print a copy of the original return—you won’t be able to do this after you have made changes and sent the reassessment request. Follow these steps to find the return, print a copy, edit and make a request for reassessment.

  1. Log in to QRO Online.
  2. Select View accounts and select the business from your Client list.
  3. Select Lodgement from the side menu.
  4. Click the Advanced search icon in the top-right corner.
  5. Enter search criteria and click Search. (You don’t need to complete each search field.)
    • Lodgement date: Enter the date the return was lodged (which may be different to the date it was due).
    • Financial year: Select from the drop-down list of financial years.
    • Transaction number: This is the transaction number for the return you are looking for (e.g. 6000XXXXXXXX).
    • Status: Select Submitted from the drop-down list.
    • Operations: Select an operation from the drop-down list.

If you need to search again, click Reset.

The search results will appear below the search fields. Click More to expand the list if needed.

  1. Locate the return and select:
    • View form to display the summary page and print a copy of the return.
    • Reassess to start the request for reassessment.

If you are redirected to the ‘Royalty—submit enquiry’ page, you will have to lodge your request by completing the relevant fields and attaching supporting information (file size is limited to 300KB). Send additional supporting information to Include your client number, name of operation and the date that your request for reassessment was submitted.

  1. Click Next to continue.

  1. Select a Reassessment reason from the drop-down list.
  2. Add comments to support the request.
  3. Select Next to go to the Resource authority details.

  1. Email if you need to change the resource authority details. Include your client number, name of operation and all relevant information.
  2. Click Next to continue.
  3. Update the relevant information under ‘Select commodities’ and click Calculate.

See the QRO Online commodity guides.

  1. Click Next to continue.

The new calculated liability or credit is based on the information contained in your request.

  • It does not show a total amount payable.
  • It does not include interest or penalties.
  • It shows the amount of primary royalty that would be payable if we accept your request for reassessment. We may decide not to make a reassessment, or to make a reassessment for a different amount.
  1. Click Next to continue.

  1. Update the declaration details as required.
  2. Click Review to continue. A summary of the return (including changes made) will display.
  3. Click Edit beside each stage if you need to make more changes.
  4. Click Request to submit the request for reassessment. A confirmation message will display.
  5. Click Okay to close the message.

We will review the request and contact you.

Last updated: 25 July 2024