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Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

Contacting you about SPER debts and unclaimed funds

We might contact you if you have unpaid fines or penalties, or if you have accidentally overpaid. We may contact you by phone, email or SMS.

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    State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) pages

    You may have unpaid fines or penalties registered with the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER), which we are required to collect and enforce. We also make compensation and restitution payments that may be ordered by a Queensland court to be paid to you.

    We use various means—phone, email, SMS—to tell you about your debts or unclaimed funds, but we understand that scammers can do the same. We are committed to giving you accurate information about our communication with you and protecting your financial and personal details.

    When we contact you by text, we do not include personal information such as your date of birth or licence number.

    If you’re concerned about the source of a text message, call us on 1300 365 635 (overseas +61 7 3013 4500).

    With all potential scams, if you think you have received a message from a suspicious source, do not reply to it or open links in the message.

    You might get a call from us if:

    We’ll call to explain your obligations, payment options and the consequences of not paying your SPER debt on time. We won’t discuss the specific details of your case until we have verified your identity.

    The number we call from will show as private or 1300 185 619. If you are concerned about providing details over the phone, call us on 1300 365 635.

    We may contact you if you have accidentally overpaid a fine or penalty debt with us. We will need to confirm your bank account details or postal address so we can return the overpayment to you.

    We may contact you by phone, email or SMS.

    If you are concerned about providing details over the phone, call us on 07 3211 6485 or 1300 365 635.

    Apply for your overpayment

    Follow these steps to apply to have your funds transferred to your bank account.

    1. Download and complete an EFT application form with your client number (or party ID). If you don’t know your number, call us on 07 3211 6485.
    2. Provide supporting documents:
      • a copy of a bank statement that confirms your name, BSB and account number (this includes bank accounts held in joint names)
      • evidence of a change of name (e.g. marriage certificate) if you are known by other names.
    3. Email or post your completed EFT application form and supporting documents:

    After we process your application, we will deposit the funds into your nominated bank account within 4 to 6 weeks.

    We urge people to be careful when responding to emails about penalty infringement notices. We have identified an email scam designed to get your bank details when you open an attached file.

    If you’re concerned about the source of an email, call us on 1300 365 635 (overseas +61 7 3013 4500).

    If you think you have received a message from a suspicious source, do not reply to it or open links or files within the message.

    The websites where you can find our content are:

    If you believe you have given bank account details to a scammer, contact your financial institution immediately.

    Find out more about:

    If you have overpaid a debt or have a compensation or restitution payment owing to you, we may have sent you a cheque. If you haven’t cashed it, we will contact you to arrange to have the funds transferred to your bank account.

    We may contact you by phone, post or SMS. The text message we send will have instructions on how to apply to reclaim your funds.

    Apply for your payment

    Follow these steps to apply to have your funds transferred to your bank account.

    1. Download and complete an EFT application form with your client number (or party ID). If you don’t know your number, call us on 1300 365 635.
    2. Provide supporting documents:
      • a copy of a bank statement that confirms your name, BSB and account number (this includes bank accounts held in joint names)
      • evidence of a change of name (e.g. marriage certificate) if you are known by other names.
    3. Email or post your completed EFT application form and supporting documents:

    After we process your application, we will deposit the funds into your nominated bank account within 4 to 6 weeks.

    The Public Trustee

    We are required to transfer all funds that have gone unclaimed after 2 years to the Queensland Public Trustee. The Public Trustee is responsible for holding unclaimed money on behalf of Queenslanders.

    Learn about unclaimed money in other states and territories:

    Last updated: 18 December 2024