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Find out how we can help if you’ve been affected by the North Queensland floods. Read about natural disaster relief.

The Commissioner has updated the public ruling on the determination of royalty for prescribed and specified minerals. (MRA002.2)

Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

Other languages

Find out about interpreter services and other options.

Interpreter services

The Queensland Government offers interpreter services for non-English speaking callers.

Calling from within Australia

Phone 1800 512 451 and ask for an interpreter in your preferred language.

Calling from overseas

Phone +61 7 3022 6100 (+10 hours UTC) and ask for an interpreter in your preferred language.

Other options

You can also:

  • use a translation website (for example, Google Translate)
  • adjust your browser settings to display your preferred language (conduct an internet search if you don’t know how to do this).
Last updated: 24 July 2024