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Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

Print returns and statements from QRO Online

See how to print copies of returns or statements from QRO Online.

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    Follow the steps below to print a copy of a payroll tax return, transfer duty transaction statement summary or royalty return in QRO Online.

    Before you lodge

    1. Once you have completed the declaration, click Save and then select Review.
    2. On the summary page, click Print from the top-right corner.

    After you lodge

    1. In the Returns section, click the Advanced search icon (beside the search field).
    2. Enter search criteria and click Search. (You don’t need to complete each search field.)
    3. When the return you are after is displayed, select View form.
    4. On the summary page, click Print from the top-right corner.

    You can view and print a transaction statement summary.

    1. Select Summaries from the side menu.
    2. Enter search criteria and click Search. (You don’t need to complete each search field.)
    3. Click the Download icon for the transaction you are after.
    4. View, print or save the statement.

    You can view, print or save a submitted transaction.

    1. Select Lodgements from the side menu.
    2. Select the advanced search icon to the right of the search field.
    3. Enter search criteria and click Search. (You don’t need to complete each search field.)
    4. Select View form for the transaction you are after.
    5. Click the Print icon to print the lodgement.

    You can view or print a copy of a submitted return.

    1. Select Notices from the side menu.
    2. Enter search criteria and click Search. (You don’t need to complete each search field.)
    3. Locate the return and select View form to display the summary page and print a copy of the return.

    You are printing via your web browser. If the return or transaction statement summary does not display correctly, you can change the printing preferences in the browser settings.

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    Last updated: 23 July 2024