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Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

Create a QRO Online account

Follow the steps to create a QRO Online account for state taxes, royalty and duties.

Go to QRO Online

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    Create or manage your account pages

    Learn what steps you need to take and what information you need to provide to create your account.

    Each QRO Online account is an individual account, verified by personal identification documents. For this reason, you can’t create a generic account for a business or trust.

    To conduct business for a company or trust, create your personal account with an email address and 2-factor authentication. Once your account is verified, you can link it to a company or trust.

    See the QRO Online terms of use (PDF, 197kB).

    Before you start

    Watch our video tutorials on how to:

    You will need:

    • an email address. To keep your personal information secure, do not use generic or shared email addresses.
    • 2 valid Australian identification documents (e.g. driver licence, Medicare card). If you don’t have these, we will need to verify your documents manually at step 4
    • your mobile phone.

    When you set up a QRO Online account, you can use your personal or work email address. Make sure it’s an account that only you can access. Don’t use a shared or group email account.

    1. Go to QRO Online.
    2. Select Don’t have an account yet?
    3. Complete the basic profile information fields and click Submit. (Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.)
    4. You’ll see a pop-up message confirming that we’ve sent an email with instructions to verify your email address.
    5. Read the email and click the Confirm email button.

    If your email verification was successful, you’ll see a message directing you back to your inbox to see your welcome email.

    1. Close the current QRO Online browser.
    2. Read the welcome email and click the Log in to QRO Online button.
    3. This will take you back to QRO Online.

    At this step, you’ll need your device (e.g. mobile phone, tablet, computer). You first tell us if you want to receive the code by an authenticator or password management app, or you would prefer to use SMS. There are free apps you can download to your device.

    The phone number you use will be linked to your account. If you want to change this number or your authentication method in future, you will need to contact us. If you leave the business, another staff member can create an account and link to the business, using their phone.

    1. Enter your email address and password, and click Log in.
    2. Use the drop-down menu to select the authentication method.
      • Phone: enter your details and click Get the code. You will get a text message with your code from +61426306021.
      • Time-based authentication: open the app and scan the QR code.
    3. Enter the code.
    4. Check the box to remember this computer, if you’re using your personal computer. If you don’t, you may need to enter a code each time you log in).
    5. Click Submit.

    For security reasons the authentication code expires after 5 minutes. If you don’t receive the code within this time, contact us.

    After you first log in, you may have to use an authentication code from time to time, or if you log in using a different device. You won’t have to do this every time you log in.

    After you’ve created your account, you’ll have to verify your identity before you can:

    • access your individual, company or trust information
    • link to a company or trust and manage what access other users have.

    Australian identity documents

    1. Log in to QRO Online.
    2. Select the Identity verification tile. (Sometimes, this may take up to 10 minutes to display.)
    3. Click Edit (blue button in top right of page).
    4. Enter your address details and click Save.
    5. Go to Primary evidence and select the document type from the drop-down list (e.g. driver licence). Enter the identification information. Select Verify.
      • Your personal details must match the details on your Australian identity document. For example, if the name on your driver licence is Mary K Citizen, you must include the middle initial when you enter the details.
      • If your Australian driver licence begins with a 0, do not include this first 0 (e.g. if the licence number is 0123456, you would enter 123456).
    6. Go to Secondary evidence and select a different document type from the drop-down list (e.g. Medicare card). Enter the identification information. Select Verify.

    It can take a few minutes for the document verification system to verify your identity. Click Refresh to check the progress.

    If your identity verification was unsuccessful, check the details you entered for errors. If you don’t find anything wrong, follow the steps in ‘Other document types’.

    Other document types

    If you don’t have Australian documents or cannot provide 2 valid document types, we will have to verify your identity manually.

    1. Tick I am unable to complete the above identity verification.
    2. Request manual verification.
    3. Enter your details and attach your documents.
    4. Click Submit.

    We will let you know when your account is finalised.


    To protect your data and keep our systems secure, we identify and authenticate all users.

    We collect necessary information to meet our requirements under Australian privacy laws. If we don’t identify and authenticate each user, we can’t verify their right to access taxpayer information.

    We use the Australian Government’s Document Verification Service (DVS). This is a secure online system that allows authorised departments in Australia to confirm an individual’s identity. The information is sent to DVS and is not stored by Queensland Revenue Office.

    If your identity can’t be electronically verified, we may ask you to provide identity document details for manual verification. Your details will only be used to complete the verification process and retained by Queensland Revenue Office for this purpose.

    Last updated: 21 November 2024