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Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

Payroll tax calculators

Use our calculators to find out how much payroll tax and mental health levy you need to pay.

You need to pay payroll tax in Queensland if you are an employer (or group of employers) who employs in Queensland and your Australian taxable wages exceed the payroll threshold of $1.3 million a year. Deductions, rebates and exemptions may apply.

If you are part of a group you will be treated as a single unit for payroll tax purposes. This means that payroll tax is calculated on the total of Australian taxable wages paid by all the members of the group.

You can use our calculators to determine how much payroll tax and mental health levy you need to pay.

These calculators are for information purposes only. You must lodge a return through QRO Online so that we can confirm your payroll tax and mental health levy liability.

  • Use the periodic liability calculator for payroll tax and any mental health levy liability in a periodic return, and any UTI that may apply.

Periodic liability calculator

  • Use the fixed periodic deduction calculator for the fixed periodic deduction to include in your periodic return. This is for:
    • designated group employers
    • non-grouped employers with interstate wages.

Fixed periodic deduction calculator

  • Use the annual or final liability calculator for payroll tax and any mental health levy liability in an annual or final return, and any UTI that may apply.

Annual or final liability calculator

  • Use the unpaid interest calculator for UTI owing on any payroll tax or mental health levy liability.

Unpaid tax interest calculator

You cannot download the calculators to your computer to use offline. Because rates and thresholds can change, using the online calculators will guarantee you are using the most up-to-date version.

You can also work out how much payroll tax you need to pay (that is, your payroll tax liability) by using this formula:

(Total Queensland taxable wages – Deduction) × Payroll tax rate = Payroll tax liability

Subtract any deduction (calculated on your Australian taxable wages) from your total Queensland taxable wages, then multiply this amount by the applicable payroll tax rate.

Contact us if you need help using the calculators.

Last updated: 17 July 2024