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The Commissioner has updated the public ruling on the determination of royalty for prescribed and specified minerals. (MRA002.2)

Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

Payment options for taxes

You have various payment options. Paying through QRO Online is the most convenient.

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    Payments pages

    We have options for you to pay duties, taxes or royalty. Direct debit through QRO Online is the most convenient way for our existing clients to pay their liability (not available for royalty payments).

    Our ABN is 90 856 020 239.

    The payment options are shown on assessment notices and lodgement confirmations.

    Credit card

    Pay online using BPOINT or call 1300 803 545 and follow the prompts.

    Credit card payments must be more than $10 and less than $50,000. A surcharge applies:

    • 0.518% for Visa and Mastercard
    • 1.4% for Amex.

    From 1 April 2025, we will not accept payments by Amex.

    Read the BPoint online payment system terms and conditions to make payments to Queensland Revenue Office (QRO).

    Definitions and interpretations

    • ‘We’ and ‘us’ means Queensland Revenue Office.
    • ‘You’ and ‘your’ means the legal entity or entities using this site.
    • ‘This site’ means the equipment, programs and services we provide to allow you to access our information.

    Terms of agreement

    • Queensland Revenue Office is part of Queensland Treasury, operated by the State of Queensland.
    • Your access to the BPOINT online payment system is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with these terms and conditions.
    • The terms and conditions of this agreement include the terms and conditions in our privacycopyright and disclaimer statements.
      • You also agree that we will not be liable, and to indemnify us, for a claim or demand made by a third party due to, arising out of or in connection with, your breach of these terms and conditions or your infringement of any rights of a third party.
    • Your use of, and/or access to, this site constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions.
    • We reserve the right to change or discontinue these terms and conditions or any feature at any time, including content, hours of availability and equipment required for access.
    • In using our services, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions imposed by your bank and BPOINT, and pay the amounts and associated fees in relation to the transactions you authorise on this site.
      • While the payment service provides a payment reference number acknowledging your payment, your financial institution may still decline the transaction. The provision of a payment reference number does not mean that payment of your liability has been finalised.
      • If a payment is declined, you will need to contact your financial institution.
    • All payments made before 5.30pm AEST will be processed on the same day. Payments made after 5.30pm AEST will be processed the following day.
    • You are responsible for correctly entering all requested payment information when paying your bill. If the information you provide is incorrect, it may result in your bill remaining unpaid.

    Security and site requirements

    • Once you access the BPOINT site, SSL/TLS will protect your transaction using high-strength 128-bit encryption. If you are using an older web browser, the strength of the encryption may be lower, usually 40-bit encryption. We recommend that you upgrade your browser to its latest version.
    • We do not promise that your access to this site will be uninterrupted (except to the extent that it is implied by law). We will try to ensure access during the hours published.
    • We will not be liable to you or third parties for interruptions to the service beyond our control including, but not limited to problems with:
      • telecommunication services
      • your internet service provider
      • your hardware or software.
    • We will not be liable to you or third parties if an interruption to this service causes delays in the processing of payments or the delivery of services.


    Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement (the ‘dispute’) shall be resolved as follows:

    • The parties shall first refer the dispute to mediation by a mediator approved by the Queensland Law Society who is agreed to by the parties; or failing agreement, appointed by the President of the Society, on the terms of the standard mediation agreement approved by the society.
    • The reference shall commence when either party gives written notice to the other, specifying the dispute and requiring its resolution under this provision.
    • Any information or documents obtained through or as part of the reference under this provision shall not be used for any purpose other than the settlement of the dispute under this provision.
    • If the dispute is not resolved within 21 days of the commencement of the reference under this provision, either party may then (subject to the following subsection), commence proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction.
    • Nothing in these terms or conditions prevents a party from commencing court proceedings relating to any dispute at any time where that party is seeking urgent interlocutory relief.

    Other terms

    • This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia.
    • This document constitutes the whole agreement between you and us, and supersedes all prior representations, agreements, statements and understandings, whether verbal or in writing.
    • If you have any questions regarding these terms and conditions, please contact us.


    Contact your bank or financial institution to make payments from your cheque or savings account. See for more information.

    Direct debit

    Find out how to set up your bank details in QRO Online. Otherwise, complete a direct debit request form instead. (Direct debit is not available for royalty payments.)


    Pay by electronic funds transfer using the following details:

    • Account name: Commissioner of State Revenue Collection Account
    • Account number: 1000 0935
    • BSB: 064-013
    • Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
    • Reference: Use the payment reference code or transaction number as shown on your lodgement confirmation statement, assessment notice or debt recovery letter.
    • SWIFT code: CTBAAU2S (for payments outside Australia).

    You must use the correct payment reference code—if you don’t, your payment may not be processed correctly and unpaid tax interest (UTI) or penalties may apply.

    Registered self assessors who are solicitors must apply for approval from the Queensland Law Society (QLS) before making EFT payments.

    Cheque or money order

    You must:

    • include a printout of the assessment notice, lodgement confirmation page or transaction statement summary for each transaction being paid
    • pay by cleared funds (e.g. bank cheque, credit union’s or building society’s own cheque, solicitor’s or accountant’s trust account cheque)
    • make your cheque payable to ‘Commissioner of State Revenue’
    • post your cheque to Queensland Revenue Office.

    Unsigned cheques will be returned and unpaid tax interest will accrue until full payment by cleared funds has been received.

    Mail delivery times can affect when your cheque is received by our office—this may result in unpaid tax interest.

    Biller codes

    You will need these biller codes if using BPOINT or BPAY.

    • Betting tax: 48983
    • Duties: 333146
    • First home owner grants: 128413
    • Land tax: 625178
    • Payroll tax: 47886
    • Royalty: 737593

    What do you want to pay?

    When you lodge a payroll tax return, you must pay any tax and other amounts (e.g. unpaid tax interest) by the due date.

    To pay by direct debit, you need to first add your bank account details to QRO Online.

    Once you have submitted your transaction:

    1. Click Payments in the left menu panel.
    2. Select Pay in the Actions column of the liability you want to pay.

    If bank account details have been saved under the Manage details or Bank details section of the client account, use the drop-down menu in the Bank field to select the relevant account. If no bank details have been saved, you can select Add bank and upload details.

    1. Click Make payment. A pop-up message will appear.

    When you select ‘Yes’, you will get a receipt number. The outstanding payment will not disappear from the Payments due list until the funds have cleared.

    Land tax clients can:

    • pay the full amount on the due date of the assessment notice
    • or
    • set up a payment plan
      • extended payment option (EPO) to make 3 equal payments 45, 90 and 150 days after the date of the assessment notice. You must apply within 35 days of your assessment notice
      • instalment plan, for outstanding land tax debts to be paid over a term longer than 6 months
      • QRO Online payment plan, for outstanding land tax debts to be paid within 6 months.

    Once you have lodged a transfer duty transaction using QRO Online, you should pay the duty—including any unpaid tax interest (UTI) and penalty tax that applies—within 14 days.

    Electronic payments are the most convenient method, but we also accept cheque payments and money orders.

    We will apply your payments in the following order: fees and charges, UTI, penalty tax and duty (as per the Taxation Administration Act 2001).

    When you pay online, you do not need to send any documents to us to confirm it.

    Electronic payments

    To make an electronic payment, you must quote the payment reference code (transaction number) for each transaction lodged through QRO Online. The reference number is on the transaction statement summary that displays after you submit the transaction – this summary also explains how and when to pay.

    You can pay electronically by:

    • credit card using BPOINT—for amounts between $10 and $50,000 (a surcharge of 0.518% applies to Visa and Mastercard, and 1.4% to Amex). From 1 April 2025, we will not accept payments by Amex.
    • BPAY
    • direct payment—through QRO Online
    • electronic funds transfer (EFT).

    To use direct payment, you need to first add your bank account details to QRO Online. Once a transaction has been submitted:

    1. Click the Payments tab.
    2. Locate your transaction number.
    3. Click Pay. (A payment screen will appear for that transaction number.)
    4. Select your bank details.
    5. Click Make payment.

    QRO Online also allows your client to pay their liability direct to us. If they decide to do this, print or email the transaction statement summary to your client so they have the correct information.

    Your client can pay by:

    • BPAY
    • EFT
    • credit card.

    Remember to check the Payments tab and ensure that your client has paid the liability before endorsing the document. The length of time that your client’s payment will take to appear in your payment history screen will depend on the time of day that your client pays and how long their financial institution takes to process the payment.

    If your client’s payment does not appear, contact us on 1300 300 734 to confirm that we have received the payment.

    Cheque payments

    You can pay multiple transactions with a single cheque. You must attach a transaction summary statement for each transaction to the cheque, and if the amount of the cheque is less than the total amount payable, you need to advise us which transaction has been underpaid.

    You can pay mining and petroleum royalty by:

    You can also visit a mines lodgement district office to pay with cash or by EFTPOS.

    At this stage, you cannot pay royalty by QRO Online direct debit.

    If you have a debt with the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) for an unpaid fine or penalty, the easiest way to pay it is online.

    Find out how to pay and manage your SPER debt.

    When you receive a fine, you have 28 days from the date of issue to:

    • pay it in full
    • set up a payment plan.

    Read more about fines and infringements.

    In some situations, it’s possible to apply to pay in instalments. We consider these applications on a case-by-case basis. You’ll need to understand the terms and conditions and what to provide when applying.

    Last updated: 30 January 2025