How to lodge an ELN lodgement via electronic conveyancing
Use this tutorial when you lodge an electronic lodgement network (ELN) lodgement that is settling in the electronic conveyancing network.
This tutorial will help you lodge an electronic lodgement network (ELN) lodgement that is settling in the electronic conveyancing network via an electronic lodgement network operator (ELNO).
Transactions involving a party using one name only are currently out of scope for eConveyancing.
Before you start, determine which transaction you are assessing—a relevant transfer agreement or an ELN lodgement. Selecting the wrong type of transaction may delay settlement and result in unpaid tax interest (UTI).
Use the tutorial for relevant transfer agreements if you do not have an ELN lodgement.
- Start the transaction in the ELN workspace.
If the transaction is started in QRO Online it cannot be linked to the ELN workspace and settlement may be affected.
- Enter the required duty information in the ELN workspace.
You will not be able to proceed until all parties to the transaction have entered the required data.
- Authorise your payment method in the ELN workspace by identifying that duty and UTI (if applicable) will be paid using one of the following methods.
- Method 1—duty will be paid to the Commissioner of State Revenue before electronic lodgement network (ELN) settlement. The transaction will not settle if a payment has not been made.
- Method 2—duty will be received by you before ELN settlement. Once you have the funds, you can pay the Commissioner before or after settlement. You don’t need to change the payment method.
- Note the transaction number provided in the ELN workspace. You will need this for QRO Online.
- Log in to QRO Online.
- Select View accounts and choose the relevant client from the list.
- Select Lodgements from the left-hand menu.
- Select ELNO from the Created by drop-down menu. This will display all transactions that have been started in an ELN workspace.
- Locate the transaction number you noted in Step 4 and select Lodge to display the draft transaction.
All mandatory field are denoted by a red asterisk (*).
- Select the relevant Transaction class from the drop-down menu.
Read the toolkits for transfer duty self assessors to ensure you select the correct option for your transaction.
- Select ELN Lodgement (no agreement) from the Type of dutiable transaction drop-down menu.
The Transaction/document date is pre-filled from information you entered in the ELN workspace.
- Select Save as draft, then Next.
The Property details are pre-filled from the data in the ELN workspace and cannot be edited.
If the transaction involves a partial interest in the property (i.e. less than 100%), only the actual interest that is being transferred will appear in the transferee’s details.
Example: Arturo, Bernadette and Costa own a property as tenants in common in equal shares. Bernadette decides to transfer her interest to Costa. In QRO Online, Bernadette will appear as the Transferor, Costa will appear as the Transferee and the Interest acquired will appear as ⅓.
- Select Transferors, then select the Edit icon.
- Complete all mandatory fields that have not been pre-filled and select Save. Repeat this process for all transferors.
- Select Transferees, then select the Edit icon.
The question ‘Are any of the transferors related to any of the transferees?’ is answered in the ELN workspace and cannot be edited in QRO Online. If the parties are related, you may have to obtain a valuation of the property. Read the public ruling on residential property valuations (DA505.1) for more information.
- If a concession is being claimed, select a Concession type from the drop-down menu.
Our toolkits (residential land concession and family business concession) will help you determine if a concession can be applied to your transaction.
- Enter a Contact number or a Mobile number.
- Complete all mandatory fields that have not been pre-filled and select Save.
- Repeat this process for all transferees and select Next.
- Answer the question: Is an exemption being claimed?
Read the duties exemption toolkits to learn about the exemptions and find out which can be self assessed.
The question ‘Does this transaction form part of an arrangement that includes other dutiable transactions (Section 30 applies)?’ defaults to No.
- Select Save as draft, then Next.
The liability is the total of duty and any unpaid tax interest.
- Check that the duty payable is consistent with any calculations you have done. If not, review your data (including the consideration) and make sure you have applied any relevant concessions.
- Select Save as draft, then Next.
- Complete the Declaration and select Review.
- Check that all data has been entered correctly before submitting the transaction.
- Select the Edit icons to correct any errors in the different sections.
You can only correct pre-filled fields in the ELN workspace.
- Select Submit when all the data is accurate.
Also consider…
- Understand the requirements for eConveyancing transactions.
- Find all our self assessor toolkits.
- See the key dates for eConveyancing transactions.