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Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

Register as a transfer duty self assessor

As a self assessor, you can stamp documents and lodge and pay transactions online. After you’ve created a personal account, you can register as a self assessor.

Register at QRO Online

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    Self assessors pages

    Registered transfer duty self assessors are usually solicitors and tax agents. However, anyone who acts as an agent for a party to a dutiable transaction may apply. In some cases, parties to transactions can also apply to register.

    What you need to do

    1. Have your ABN and usual entity details on hand (e.g. name, email, addresses).
    2. Determine if you are applying as:
      • an agent (e.g. a legal adviser for parties to transactions)
      • a party to the transaction (e.g. a developer buying multiple parcels of land).

      If you are a party to the transaction and will be doing one transaction only, you do not need to register. Read about how to lodge for transfer duty.

    3. Set up an individual QRO Online account, verify your details and create your contact card. (You cannot set up a generic account for a company.) See how to create an account.

    After you have created and verified your individual account, and linked it to your company, you are ready to apply to register as a self assessor.

    1. Log in to QRO Online.
    2. Select the Registration tile on the home page.
    3. Select Transfer duty registration.
    4. Enter your ABN and click the magnifying glass icon to search.
      The ACN and company name will be displayed.
    5. Complete the rest of the form with your details.
    6. Select Submit.
      A pop-up window will display if the application was submitted successfully.
    7. Write down the transaction number. You need this to activate your registration if it is approved.

    We will send you an email requesting information that is specific to your registration. Once we have all the information we need, we will aim to make a decision within 10 business days. See the guidelines for registering self assessors (SA2).

    Notification of registration

    We will respond in writing to all applications. If you are successful, we will send you a notice of registration that states:

    • the registration date
    • your client number
    • the documents and transactions to which the registration relates
    • the dates for lodging transactions and paying duty
    • the records and documents that you must keep on file
    • your stamping requirements.

    Once you have received this notice, you need to log in to QRO Online and activate your registration.

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    Last updated: 23 July 2024