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Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

Land tax reassessments, objections and appeals

Learn what to do if you want us to reassess your tax liability, or if you disagree with an outcome.

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    We calculate land tax using annual land valuations issued by the Valuer-General (Department of Resources).


    We will reassess your land tax liability, to increase or decrease it, when certain events occur, such as:

    • you become an Australian citizen or a permanent visa holder
    • you become a foreign individual and no longer reside in Australia
    • your company or trust becomes, or ceases to be, a foreign company
    • you apply for or stop being eligible for an exemption
    • your land records change from what is shown on your land tax assessment notice
    • the value of your land changes
    • an objection, appeal or review is successful.

    Penalties and unpaid tax interest (UTI) may be applied to reassessments under the Taxation Administration Act 2001.

    You can request a reassessment online or by email or post:


    You can lodge an objection to an assessment or reassessment if you feel an incorrect decision has been made. Objections must be lodged within 60 days.

    You should only consider objecting after you have taken all other steps to resolve your concerns, such as:

    • making sure that you have applied for any reassessments by
      • telling us about any errors with your landholdings or values
      • submitting all relevant exemption forms
    • contacting the Valuer-General if you believe the statutory land value of any parcel of land is too high—we cannot consider an objection on these grounds.

    Find out more about the annual land valuations.

    Exempt land

    Generally, land tax exemptions are not automatic—you must apply for them. For land with joint owners, each owner wanting to claim an exemption must apply separately. Depending on the information that we have, you may receive an exemption for land used as your home without having to apply. In these situations, we’ll send you a notice about the exemption that has been applied and the date of effect.

    If your assessment notice includes exempt land (e.g. your home), make sure you have applied for an exemption before you consider lodging an objection.

    You can apply for and track the progress of home and primary production exemption claims online. Once we have processed an exemption claim, we’ll send a reassessment notice if the exemption is approved.

    If a reassessment increases your liability, you can only object to the reason for the increase.

    Find out more about:

    Appeals and reviews

    If you do not agree with the outcome of your objection, you can:

    • file a notice of appeal in the Supreme Court
    • apply in certain circumstances to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) for a review.

    If you choose to appeal or apply for a review, you must do so within 60 days of receiving your objection decision.

    Find out more about reviews of decisions.

    Last updated: 23 July 2024