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Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

How to lodge and correct errors in periodic returns

Follow the steps to lodge or amend your payroll tax periodic return.

Use these step-by-step tutorials to lodge periodic payroll tax returns in QRO Online, and correct errors.

How to lodge the periodic return

Before you begin, make sure that your contact details and employer status are correct. Learn how to update contact details in QRO Online.

Follow these steps to lodge the periodic return.

  1. Log in to QRO Online.
  2. Select View accounts and choose the client from the list.
  3. Click the Returns tab to see a list of all outstanding returns.

Returns will be available from the middle of each month.

  1. Select the relevant periodic return in the Period column.
  2. Click Lodge returns to display the return.

If you’ve saved a return as a draft, it will be in the Status column with a number in the Transaction number column. Select Lodge returns to open the return.

The employer status, return period dates and the due date of the return will appear automatically. The lodgement date will pre-fill as today’s date.

Select Save as draft at any time to save your data. This will generate the transaction number (which will also be your payment reference number).

  1. Answer the questions. (The questions will depend on your employer status.)

If you select ‘Yes’ to the regional employer discount question, the discount will be applied to the tax rate.

  1. Enter the Queensland taxable wages and Apprentice and trainee wages for the period.

Designated group employers (DGEs) and non-grouped (NG) employers who selected ‘Yes’ for interstate wages, will be able to enter their fixed periodic deduction (FPD).

  • Enter the deduction amount if you have already calculated it. Otherwise, select the calculator icon beside the FPD field.
  • You can change the employer status, but not the dates or lodgement frequency.
  • Enter the estimated wages for this financial year and select Estimate. (You can reset and estimate as many times as you want.)
  • Click Apply to insert the deduction into your return.

You can change the fixed periodic deduction amount by selecting Calculate.

  1. Click Next to continue.

  1. Answer the question about providing new estimates. This will default to ‘Yes’ in your first periodic return for the financial year.

You don’t need to change the estimates reason unless you are providing new estimates to what was previously reported in a periodic return.

  1. If required, enter your:
    • estimated Queensland taxable wages and interstate taxable wages, if non-grouped
    • estimated total Queensland taxable, total Queensland taxable wages for all group members and total interstate taxable wages for all group members, if grouped.
  2. Click Calculate. This will populate the levy threshold and calculation sections.
  3. Click Next to continue.

The return will display the:

  • deduction
  • taxable amount
  • periodic liability
  • rebate
  • payroll tax amount
  • mental health levy amount
  • interest (if applicable)
  • payment received (if any payment has already been made for the return)
  • total amount payable.
  1. Select Save as draft. The transaction number will display. Click Okay to go back to the return.

You can adjust information, calculate and save as a draft as many times as needed.

  1. Click Next to continue.

Enter your personal details. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  1. As an authorised lodger, you must enter your NameContact number and Email, and declare that the information provided is true and correct. If your contact card details have changed, select Update contact card to update these from the form.
  2. Select Save as draft.
  3. Select Review to check your return.

If you have an error in the return, it will be shown as an exclamation mark at the top-right corner. Click the icon to view and select Edit to make changes.

  1. Once you are satisfied with the return, tick the declaration box again, and select Save as draft.
  2. Click Review and Print for a copy.
  3. Select Submit to lodge the return.

A pop-up window will appear to confirm the return has been submitted with its transaction number.

After you have submitted a return, it will disappear from your Returns list. If the return is from the current financial year, it will display in the Year to date returns tab.

How to correct errors

If you find an error in a self-assessed or default periodic return, you can make corrections in QRO Online and request a reassessment.

Follow these steps to find the return, edit the details and request a reassessment.

  1. Log in to QRO Online.
  2. Select View accounts and select the business from your Client list.
  3. Select Returns from the left menu.
  4. Click the Advanced Search icon in the top right corner.
  5. Enter search criteria and click Search. (You don’t need to complete each search field.)
    • Lodgement date: Enter the date the return was lodged (i.e. not necessarily the date it was due).
    • Financial year: Select from the drop-down list of past 7 financial years.
    • Transaction number: This is the transaction number for the return you are looking for (e.g. 1000XXXXXXXX).
    • Status: Select Submitted from the drop-down list.

If you need to search again, click Reset.

The search results will appear below the search fields. Click More to expand the list if needed.

  1. Locate the return and click Reassess. (If you only want to see, save or print a copy of the return, click View form.)

  1. Select a Reassessment reason from the drop-down list.
  2. Add comments to support the request.

You cannot change the employer status or any date fields.

  1. Update information and click Calculate.
  2. Click Next to continue.

The new calculated liability or credit that is displayed is based on the wages declared in your request.

  • It does not show a total amount payable.
  • It does not include interest or penalties.
  • The amount payable will be determined once we have processed the reassessment.

If the reassessment results in a credit, you will see a bank details section.

  1. Answer the question: Would you like the refund paid directly to your bank account?
    • If ‘No’, we will send you a cheque.
    • If ‘Yes’, enter your bank details and tick the box to confirm you have read and agreed to the terms in the direct debit request service agreement. (You won’t be able to tick this box if you haven’t opened the link first.)
  2. Click Next to continue.

  1. Enter your contact details.
  2. Tick the box to confirm the information is true and correct.
  3. Click Review to continue. A summary of the return (including changes made) will display.
  4. Click Edit beside each stage to make more changes if required.
  5. Click Request to submit the request for reassessment. A confirmation message will display.
  6. Click Okay to close the message.

We will review the request and advise you of the outcome.

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Last updated: 24 July 2024