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Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

Transfer duty calculator help

Learn the terms used in the online transfer (stamp) duty calculator. This calculator can be used for complex dutiable transactions.

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  1. Instructions
  2. Terms used in the calculator
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  • Transfer duty calculator help

To use the transfer (stamp) duty calculator to work out how much you have to pay, there are certain fields you need to complete. The calculator has multiple input fields because it needs to account for a range of variables that can be part of dutiable transactions.

We explain below what information is needed to complete each field of the calculator.


Once you have entered data in the relevant fields, click Calculate to perform the calculation. You can also click Clear to remove the data from all fields, or Report to see more detailed information about how the duty and any unpaid tax interest (UTI) were calculated.

If you just want an estimate of how much transfer duty you could pay, you can use the transfer duty estimator.

Terms used in the calculator

Document details

  • File reference
    This is an optional field that you may use to enter your file reference.
  • Document date
    Enter the date of the document (e.g. contract or transfer) to be assessed.
  • Unconditional date
    Enter the date when the document became unconditional, if applicable.
  • Is this a relevant transfer agreement (s.156D)?
    Select Yes or No. A relevant transfer agreement is defined in s.156D of the Duties Act. If you answer Yes, this will extend the date in the Date that document/transaction statement is due to be lodged at QRO field. Read the public ruling on extending time to lodge certain agreements (DA019.1) for more information.
  • Date that document/transaction statement is due to be lodged at QRO
    You cannot enter any information into this field. It will populate based on the date you enter into the Document date, Unconditional date and Relevant transfer agreement fields.
  • Date document/transaction statement will be lodged and paid at QRO
    This date is optional and is used to calculate unpaid tax interest (UTI) if it applies. You do not need to enter this date if you only want to calculate transfer duty.
  • Assessment type
    Select Commissioner Assessment if you are a private person wanting to know how much duty you will have to pay on your transaction, or a registered self assessor calculating duty on transactions that cannot be self assessed.
    Or select Self Assessment if you are a registered self assessor with QRO and are calculating duty on a transaction that must be self assessed.

Nature of interest

  • Is a first home vacant land concession being claimed?
    Select Yes if a first home vacant land concession is being claimed for this transaction; if not, leave No selected.
  • Entering the nature of interest
    Enter the interest being acquired in the relevant interest field as a fraction (e.g. 1/2, 1/4, 5/100, 1).
    Four types of interest may be entered:

    • First home vacant land
    • First home
    • Home
    • No concession claimed.

If you have more than one person making a similar type of claim (i.e. first home, home or no concession claimed), you must add their individual interests together and enter the sum as a fraction.

Dave and Debbie are buying their first home. Debbie will own 3/4 of the property and Dave will own 1/4. Together, they will own 100% of the property. ‘1’ should be entered in the First home field as the nature of interest.

These fractions must represent the interest acquired in the entire property.

Steve and Sarah jointly acquire a half interest in a property that will be their home. This means that they are each acquiring a one-quarter interest in the entire property (so their fractions will be one quarter each, which will total one half). ‘1/2’ should be entered in the Home field as the nature of interest.

Multiple types of claims can be entered.

Patricia and Paul are buying a home with the help of Patricia’s mother, Pamela. Pamela will not be living in the home. Patricia and Paul will own half of the property, and Pamela will own the other half. ‘1/2’ should be entered in the Home field and ‘1/2’ should be entered in the No concession claimed field.

If the entire property is being acquired, then the sum of all fractions entered must equal ‘1’.

This information should be entered on the applicable concession form (i.e. Form D2.1 or D2.7) when claiming a concession for a transaction. To be eligible for a home, first home or first home vacant land concession, you must meet the occupancy requirements—find out more about concessions for homes.


  • Unencumbered value of entire property
    Enter the unencumbered value (market value) of the entire property. If only part of the property is being acquired, the calculation will be made using the fractional value entered as the nature of interest. When lodging documents for a transfer duty assessment, you must provide independent evidence of value for all transactions involving a gift or where the parties are related or associated. Duty is payable on the greater of the consideration payable or the unencumbered value.

John is buying half of his sister Johanna’s property for $220,000, and is not claiming a concession. Because they are related, John has the property valued by a real estate agent. The property is valued at $550,000. Even though John is only acquiring a half interest, and is only paying $220,000 for the property, he must enter $550,000 in the unencumbered value of entire property field. Duty will be calculated on the half interest, as long as ‘1/2’ is entered in the No concession field.

  • Value of any non-residential property
    Enter the total value of any property that you will not use solely for residential purposes (e.g. business assets, management rights). You cannot claim a concession on any part of the property that is not being used for residential purposes. Read the public ruling on the residential purposes for the transfer duty concession for homes and first homes (DA087.1) for more information.
  • Is the acquisition wholly or partly by way of gift? If the acquisition is wholly or partly by way of gift, select Yes; if not, leave No selected. You must keep independent evidence of value for all transactions involving an acquisition wholly or partly by way of gift.

Additional foreign acquirer duty (AFAD)

Select Yes if there is an acquisition of residential land by a foreigner acquirer from 1 October 2016; if not, leave No selected.

A foreign acquirer can be a:

  • foreign individual
  • foreign corporation
  • foreign trust.

AFAD is imposed only on the foreign acquirer’s interest in the land. For example, if a foreign acquirer buys property with two non-foreign parties in equal interests, AFAD will be imposed on the dutiable value of the foreign acquirer’s one-third interest in the land.

Learn more about additional foreign acquirer duty.

Assessment details

  • Assessment due date
    This is the payment due date—if you do not pay by this date, unpaid tax interest (UTI) will apply.
  • Additional foreigner acquirer duty payable (in $)
    This displays the total amount of additional foreigner acquirer duty (AFAD) that has been calculated

UTI details

  • Non-compliance period (in days)
    Displays the total number of days of non-compliance. The number of days is calculated by the difference between the date that the document is due to be lodged at QRO and the date that the document will be lodged and duty paid at QRO.
  • UTI start date
    The date that unpaid tax interest (UTI) starts to accrue. Every document or transaction has a due date to be lodged, as set out under the relevant revenue law. For the purpose of calculating UTI, the day after the due date for lodgement is the UTI start date.
  • Number of days UTI accrued (in days)
    Displays the number of days over which UTI has accrued.
  • UTI rate (% p.a.)
    Displays the UTI percentage rate that applies, or will be applied, as at the UTI start date.
    If UTI applies over one or more rate periods, the most recent will be displayed on the calculator.
  • Daily UTI amount (in $)
    Displays the dollar amount of UTI that will accrue daily from the UTI start date.
  • UTI to be paid with lodgement (in $)
    Displays the total amount of UTI that should be paid with the document/transaction. UTI is calculated by multiplying the duty payable by the UTI annual percentage rate, and then dividing by the days in the year. This is then multiplied by the number of days over which UTI has accrued.
  • Total liability (in $)
    Displays the total liability of the transaction by adding the duty payable and UTI. This is the total liability as of the date of the calculation—additional UTI may apply if not paid by the due date.
    More penalties under section 58 of the Taxation Administration Act 2001 may apply—these are not included in this calculation.
Last updated: 10 July 2024
  • Transfer duty calculator help