Related person or relative
Issued date
16 October 2024
16 October 2024
Transfer duty
Related persons are as follows regarding these entities:
- 2 individuals, if they are family members
- 2 corporations, if they are related bodies corporate (that is, one of the corporations is a subsidiary, holding company or subsidiary of a holding company of the other corporation)
- individual and corporation, if the individual or a family member
- is a majority shareholder, director or secretary of the corporation
- is a majority shareholder, director or secretary of the corporation’s related body corporate (such as a holding company or a subsidiary)
- holds a majority interest in the corporation or related body corporate
- individual and trustee, if
- the individual is a beneficiary of the trust
- a related person of the individual (that is, a family member or family company) is a beneficiary of the trust
- corporation and trustee, if
- the corporation is a beneficiary of the trust
- a related person of the corporation is a beneficiary of the trust
- 2 trustees, if a person is a beneficiary of
- both trusts
- one trust and a related person is the beneficiary of the other trust
- partners in a partnership, only for the purposes of additional foreign acquirer duty (AFAD).