Reviewing your royalty affairs
Read the common issues to consider when reviewing your calculations for mining and petroleum royalty.
We have several resources to help you understand your royalty obligations.
- Public rulings for royalty liabilities arising on or after 1 October 2020
- Royalty rulings for:
- mineral liabilities (14 October 2015 to 30 September 2020)
- petroleum liabilities (11 January 2016 to 30 September 2020).
- Ministerial determinations (which must be read subject to the royalty rulings) for:
- mineral liability before 14 October 2015
- petroleum liability before 11 January 2016.
For petroleum produced on or before 30 September 2020, you can read about our treatment of claims for depreciation deductions in previous royalty return periods. There are transitional arrangements for petroleum produced but not disposed of before 1 October 2020.
Learn more about calculating royalty for petroleum produced from 1 October 2020.
To help you determine if you have a shortfall for a previous royalty return period, see the following categories for some common issues you should consider.
Issue | Description/Example |
Data-entry error |
Computational error | Mathematical error when royalty rate or royalty payable was calculated |
Failing to include all relevant sales/disposals | Royalty return does not contain details of all minerals sold, disposed of or used in a return period, including those that are:
Declaring revenue or expenses in wrong return period | Sales occurring, or expenses incurred, around the end of a return period are not recorded in the royalty return for the period, but are instead recorded in a royalty return for a subsequent period |
Failure to obtain ministerial value determination | Failing to obtain a gross value royalty decision where required under legislation, especially in relation to related-party transactions or marketing arrangements |
Claiming inappropriate deductions | Deductions claimed that are:
Incorrect treatment of currency conversions |
Issue | Description/Example |
Incorrect treatment of export and domestic coal | Export coal (i.e. coal sold or disposed of for consumption, or used, outside Queensland) recorded in royalty returns as domestic coal (i.e. coal sold or disposed of for consumption, or used, inside Queensland) and vice versa |
Incorrect royalty rate |
Incorrect calculation of gross value | Gross value:
Incorrect calculation of demurrage and early despatch revenue |
Incorrect calculation of foreign exchange gains or losses |
Incorrect deduction of port operating costs |
Incorrect deduction of assay costs |
Incorrect deduction of port infrastructure costs |
Incorrect deduction of levies | Deduction claimed for:
Incorrect deduction of counter trade costs | Deduction claimed for commissions payable to agents for activities other than selling products received by the producer as part of a countertrade arrangement |
Incorrect deduction of bank commissions | Deductions claimed for bank charges other than bank commissions payable in relation to issuing letters of credit for export shipments |
Incorrect apportionment of costs |
Other incorrect claiming of deductions |
Misallocation of private royalties | Did not:
Issue | Description/Example |
Incorrect royalty rate used |
Incorrect claiming of payable metal deduction | Discount claimed other than in accordance with: |
Incorrect claiming of processing discount |
Failure to include all relevant payments | Failing to make an appropriate adjustment in a particular return period to reflect the final invoice amount payable for a sale in a previous return |
Issue | Description/Example |
Data entry error |
Computational error | Mathematical error when royalty payable was calculated |
Failing to include all relevant sales/disposals | Royalty return does not contain details of all petroleum disposed of in a return period, including petroleum that is:
Declaring revenue or expenses in wrong return period | Sales occurring, or expenses incurred, around the end of a return period are not recorded in the royalty return for the period, but are instead recorded in a royalty return for a subsequent period |
Incorrect treatment of currency conversions |
Failure to lodge a return when required |
Error in treatment of negative wellhead value | Negative wellhead value:
Failure to pay royalty on petroleum used | Royalty not paid on petroleum that the producer uses for purposes other than the production of petroleum from the tenure |
Failure to pay petroleum royalty on gas that is flared or vented | Royalty not paid on petroleum that is flared or vented, other than as part of testing for the presence of petroleum during the drilling of a well or as part of production testing |
Failure to pay petroleum royalty on coal seam gas or natural gas production testing | Royalty not paid on gas flared or vented during production testing:
Incorrect claiming of deduction for pipeline tariffs or processing tolls | Deduction claimed exceeds the tariff or toll paid or payable |
Incorrect claiming of deduction for operating costs |
Other incorrect claiming of deductions |
Incorrect claiming of deduction for depreciation |
Transitional arrangement | Royalty for petroleum produced but not disposed of before 1 October 2020 was not included in the annual return ending 30 September 2020. This means the relevant royalty liability was not paid at 12.5% of the wellhead value of petroleum |
Issue | Description/Example |
Tenure holding different to beneficiary interest | Producer reported their beneficiary interest holding instead of their tenure interest, and the non-tenure holder (a person who is a participant in a joint venture or other arrangement involving the production of petroleum) did not apply to be treated as a petroleum producer |
Incorrect LPG classification | LPG was classified as liquid petroleum instead of domestic gas |
Incorrect gas classification | Producer that is a member of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project classified the gas as supply gas instead of project gas |
Inaccurate measurement | The petroleum volume might not have been accurately measured because the meters or methods used for estimation were not compliant with the accuracy requirements |
Liability calculated on volume sold | The liability was calculated on the volume of petroleum sold rather than the volume produced |
Exemption claimed incorrectly | A petroleum exemption did not meet the conditions; for example, the petroleum used in transportation was claimed as exempted petroleum |
Incorrect formula used to calculate royalty | Where the average sales price (ASP) formula method was used to determine ASP (and in turn the royalty rate), the producer:
For example, a producer member of an LNG project did not include all LNG sold in the return period by each member. Or, a producer omitted separately invoiced tariff income in the ASP calculations. |
Swap arrangements not compliant | The swap arrangements did not meet the definition under the Regulation, meaning the petroleum may not have been classified or priced correctly; for example, a sale arrangement was entered into between a petroleum producer and an aggregator, rather than between 2 petroleum producers |