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Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office
Queensland Government - Queensland Revenue Office

Land tax estimator help

Learn how to use the online estimator to work out how much land tax you need to pay.

Estimate your land tax

The land tax estimator helps you work out your liability for the current year.


Enter the relevant data and click Calculate to estimate your land tax liability.

You can print the estimator report for your records.

Terms used in the estimator

Owner type

This indicates the legal entity of the landowner. Select 1 owner type to continue:

  • Individual person (resident in Australia)
  • Company or trustee
  • Foreign company or foreign trust
  • Absentee (non-resident of Australia).

Read more about types of owner for land tax.

Total taxable value of all land holdings as at 30 June (Year)

The total value of all land held at 30 June of the relevant year includes land held solely and any fractional share or interest in land held with another landowner.

Read more about taxable value of land.

Less total taxable value of land subject to an exemption

Learn the details of eligible exemptions (e.g. land used as a home or other exempt purpose).

Total value of land subject to land tax

This field is automatically populated.

Land tax payable

This is your estimated land tax liability for the relevant land tax year.

Last updated: 23 July 2024